Saturday, November 20, 2010

Conducting an interview

Monarch butterflies on sedum.
Photo by Gail M. Pfeifer
If you've done your homework, as outlined in my previous posts, a few tips should do here:

à Show up or call about 5 minutes before your scheduled interview
à Introduce yourself and say a few words to make the interviewee, especially neophytes, comfortable
à Get down to business with your questions, and keep the conversation on time and on track
à Take careful notes, and restate what you’ve been told to be sure you have recorded your quotes correctly. Some journalists will tape an interview, with the interviewee’s permission. I rarely do so, as taking notes helps me attend to the conversation more carefully.
à Close with this question: Is there anything else you’d like to say for the record that I haven’t asked you?
à Thank the interviewee for his or her time and let them know you will call if you have any other questions. Let them know they can call you as well if they think of anything else they want to say.

Now, let's get down to writing!

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